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Human Radical Transformation is the enhancement of the human to increase their capabilities and expand their capacity (physically, cognitively, and behaviorally) through the use of research-based practices. According to LaQuinta Neal, Radical means “going to the root or source” and Transformation means “creating change through improvement.” The aim of this journal is to help you identify, clarify, and accept your thoughts and feelings. It helps you discover what you want, what you value, and what works for you and vice-versa. This 21 days journal has the ability to lead you on a journey of radical transformation in a short time. As a matter of fact, writing down your thoughts and feelings helps you to become more aware and intentional. You have the ability to condition your thoughts and actions to live the life that you’ve always dreamed. It all starts here!
Check Out The Journal Trailer
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Only $97
All humans grapple with transforming into the best version of themselves. This course helps make it possible to do so by using a holistic framework to reshape lives. Each module is based on findings steeped in psychology and neuroscience but from a spiritual perspective. Let our course help you disrupt negative behavioral patterns and lead you on a journey of radical transformation in a short time. LaQuinta Neal, the founder of Transformation Empowerment Network has a unique gift of shattering illusions that people are broken, hurting, and damaged. Instead, she helps them to see with clarity their true forms—beings of light and love. This course will teach you how to aggressively take back control of your life and give you tools to create better habits to ensure a more successful future. A Radical Transformation Course is a tool that can help you go from being mediocre to becoming a person of power and influence!
You can take 100% control over your present and future now. You can start today conditioning your thoughts and actions to live the life that you’ve always dreamed. It all starts here! If you are ready to live a more rewarding life, develop yourself holistically, and live a more meaningful life, then sign up today for this Complete Personal Development and Personal Transformation Course.
Who this course is for
This course includes
● Anyone with an interest in changing their lives holistically
● Individuals looking for personal development
● Individuals looking for personal transformation
● Those preparing for marriage
● 1 hour on-demand videos
● 4 Downloadable Resources
○ Worksheets
○ Workbook
○ Journal
○ Quizzes & Tests
Course Content Introduction
Module 1: Spiritual Development
Module 2: Mental Development Module
Module 3: Emotional Development Module
Module 4: Physical Development Module
Module 5: Financial Development
Module 6: Social Development
Module7: Career Development
Module 8: Communication Development
Module 9: Environmental Development
Module 10: Relationship Development
Course Outline
Introduction (Welcome & course overview video)
Module 1 Spiritual Development (2 minute video)
Lesson I: Frequent Heart Checks
1.1.1 Forgiveness
1.1.2 Letting go of Grudges
1.1.3 Walking in Love
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Learning to Listen to God’s Voice (2.40 min video)
1.2.1 Prayer & Fasting
1.2.2 Get Instructions From God
1.2.3 Learn Obedience
*5 question quiz
Lesson 3: Seek for Purpose (2.37 minute video)
1.3.1 Follow it with passion
1.3.2 Stay focused
*5 question quiz
Lesson 4: Follow the Path of Peace (1.07 minute video)
1.4.1 Gratitude
1.4.2 Contentment
1.4.3 Separating from Overly Toxic People
*20 question test
Module 2 Mental Development (2.40 min video)
Lesson 1: Breaking the Cycle of Limiting Beliefs (1.30 min video)
2.1.1 Becoming Aware of Internal Dialogue
2.1.2 Overcoming a Victim Mentality
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: The Power of Affirmations (1. 48 min video)
2.2.1 Changing Your Narrative
2.2.2 Repetition
*3 question quiz
Lesson 3: Developing Self-Esteem (2.48 min video)
2.3.1 Significance of Identity
2.3.2 Who Am I Really?
2.3.3 Falling in Love with Yourself
*5 question quiz
Lesson 4: Goal Setting (3 min video)
2.4.1 S.M.A.R.T. Technique
1. Specific
2. Measurable
3. Action-Oriented
4. Realistic
5. Time-Bound
2.4.2 Review Regularly
2.4.3 How to Stay Motivated
*7 question quiz
Lesson 5: Focus/Concentration (2 minute video)
2.5.1 Get Quality Sleep
2.5.2 The Power of Meditation
2.5.3 Limit Distractions
*20 question test
Module III Emotional Development (3 minute video)
Lesson 1: Overcoming Rejection (1.47 minute video)
3.1.1 Receive The Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8:15 Gal 4:6)
3.1.2 Develop a Strong Support System
3.1.3 Focus on your Best Qualities
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Overcoming Depression (2.47 minute video)
3.2.1 What is it?
● Definition
● Signs & Symptoms
3.2.2 Major Causes
1. Abuse
2. Meds
3. Chemical Imbalance
4. Death or loss
5. Genetics
3.2.3 Tips & Treatments
1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy
2. Stay Connected
3. Do Things You Enjoy
4. Be in Nature
5. Laugh
6. Meditate
*7 question quiz
Lesson 3: Overcoming Anxiety (2.48 minute video)
3.3.1 What is it?
● Definition
● Signs & Symptoms
3.3.2 Major Causes
1. Brain Chemistry
2. Environment Factors 3.
3. Trauma
3.3.3 Treatments
1. Practice Deep Breathing
2. Aromatherapy
3. Go for a light walk
4. Identify Your Triggers
5. Write Down Your Thoughts (Journaling)
*5 question quiz
Lesson 4: Overcoming Anger (2.23 minute video)
3.4.1 Causes
3.4.2 Childhood abuse
3.4.3 Emotional trauma
● Personality disorders
● Anxiety
● Depression
● Substance Abuse
3.4.4 Consequences
● Relationship troubles
● Work problems
● School problems
● Legal issues
● Financial troubles
● Substance abuse
● Mental health issues
● Self-harm
● Suicidal behavior
3.4.5 Techniques
1. Think Before You Speak
2. Take a Walk to Cool Off
3. Identify Possible Solutions
4. See the Humor in it
5. Practice Relaxation Skills
*7 question quiz
Lesson 5: Building up Your Confidence (2.56 minute video)
3.5.1 Change Your Outlook
1. Face Your Fears
2. Learn Powerful Body Languages
3.5.2 Practice Positivity
1. Accept Yourself
2. Appreciate
Your Values & 3.5.3 Let Go of the Need to Control
1. Trust the Process *20 question test Module 4: Physical Development (2.56 minute video)
Lesson I: Self-Care (1.48 minute video)
4.1.1 It’s Importance 4.1.2 Make Yourself a Priority
4.1.3 Suggestions
1. Read with a glass of tea or coffee
2. Get a Message
3. Spa Day
4. Stay Hydrated
5. Get Plenty of Sun
6. Regular Dr. Checkups
*5 question quiz
Lesson II: Diet 4.2.1 Eat a Well Balanced Meal 4.2.2 Types of Diets
1. Keto for Physical & Emotional Health
2. Wholefood
3. Paleo 4.2.3 Breaking Food Addiction
*5 question quiz
Lesson III: Exercise 4.3.1 It’s Importance 4.3.2 Being Safe
*20 question test
Module 5: Financial Development (2.48 minute video)
Lesson I: Learning how to budget
5.1.1 Find a budget plan that works for you
5.1.2 Automate your financial plan
5.1.3 Track your progress
*5 question quiz
Module 6: Social Development (2 minute video)
Lesson 1: Sustaining Positive Friendships
6.1.1 Be honest & transparent
6.1.2 Make time for one another
6.1.3 Be Compassionate
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Making Time for Fun
6.2.1 Block out time weekly
1. Be intentional
*2 question quiz
Lesson 3: Trying Something New
6.3.1 Help With Culture Development
6.3.2 Expand the Mind
*5 question quiz
Module 7: Career Development (2.56 minutes video)
Lesson 1: Time Management
7.1.1 Set a time limit for each task
7.1.2 Use a to-do list
7.1.3 Learn to delegate
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Productivity (1.56 minutes video)
7.2.1 Focus on one goal at a time
7.2.2 Set small goals for each task
7.2.3 Conduct frequent evaluations of your plan’s effectiveness
*5 question quiz
Lesson 3: Projecting the Right Image (1.56 minutes video)
7.3.1 Keep personal life clean
7.3.2 Be a person of your word
7.3.3 Respect others
*20 question quiz
Module 8: Communication Development (2.58 minute video)
Lesson 1: The Importance of Accountability
8.1.1 We are hard-wired to not want to be accountable
8.1.2 It’s a key element of leadership
8.1.3 It builds trust
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Conflict Resolution Strategies (2.37 minute video)
8.2.1 Don’t avoid confrontation
8.2.2 Find a neutral location to talk
8.2.3 Be open to learning
*7 question quiz
Lesson 3: Social Media Etiquette
8.3.1 Think before you write 1. Don’t paste things when you’re angry
8.3.2 Learn discretion 1. Refrain from giving out personal & confidential information
8.3.3 Set up time parameters
*5 question quiz
Lesson 4: Learning to Listen Effectively
8.4.1 Give someone your undivided attention
8.4.2 Defer judgement
*15 question test
Module 9: Environmental Development (1.56 minute video)
Lesson 1: Organize Your Space
9.1.1 Provides structure and order
9.1.2 Recognize that sometimes less is best
9.1.3 Benefits
1. Helps save time
2. Reduce stress
3. Makes you feel better
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Cleanliness
9.2.1 Cleanliness is next to godliness
Lesson 3: Use it to Assist With Success Goals
1. Be intentional with setting up your environment
2. Surround yourself with meaningful items
*15 question test
Module 10: Relationship Development (2.58 minute video)
Lesson 1: Setting Healthy Boundaries
10.1.1 Be clear about what you want
10.1.2 Follow through with your decisions 1. Know when it’s time to move on
10.1.3 Take responsibility for your actions
*5 question quiz
Lesson 2: Soul Ties
10.2.1 How they are created 1. Deep emotional and/or physical connections 1. Sharing intimate moments and feelings
10.2.2 How to recognize them
1. Obsessing about the person
2. Frequent dreams about a person
3. Imagining hearing the person’s voice in your head
10.2.3 How to break them
1. Admit and accept that you are tied to someone
2. Decide that you want to be free
3. Cut all ties
*5 question quiz
*50 question test Conclusion: (2 minute video)
Course Category Personal Development/Transformation
What You’ll Learn
1. Learn how to keep one’s heart clear of offences and grow in love.
2. Learn how to hear & recognize God’s voice more clearly
3. Learn how to find your purpose and pursue it wholeheartedly
4. Learn how to find & follow the path of peace
5. Discover how to break the cycle of limiting beliefs to create the life of your dreams
6. Rise above toxic habits that keep you from showing your best self to the world
7. Take care of your physical health as an act of self-love
8. Find out ways to grow and manage your finances to secure your future
9. Learn how your environment plays an important role in your success and what you can start doing today to make yours aligned with your values
10.How to build healthy boundaries in your relationship 11. And so much more
● No previous knowledge required
● No specific materials are needed for this course. All will be provided
● At different stages in the course, there will be questions presented about your own life and how you think and feel about some topics. It is important you answer them for yourself before you move on with the course
● Have Fun!